Az előadás angol nyelven zajlik!
Unicomp Technology was incorporated in 2002. It is a national level high-tech enterprise which involved in the R&D and manufacturing of X-ray technologies and intelligent inspection equipment.
Az előadás angol nyelven zajlik!
Unicomp Technology was incorporated in 2002. It is a national level high-tech enterprise which involved in the R&D and manufacturing of X-ray technologies and intelligent inspection equipment.
Unicomp Technology was incorporated in 2002. It is a national level high-tech enterprise which involved in the R&D and manufacturing of X-ray technologies and intelligent inspection equipment.
National Electronics Society of Hungary
Heiling Média Ltd.
National Electronics Society of Hungary
H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.
Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [kukac] melt.hu