Computer Controls Hungary Ltd.

Silver sponsor (Stand: B02)

Computer Controls - Your leading-edge technology partner

Serving our customers in 15 countries, our product range includes softwares, electronic components, test and measurement tools for the electronics industry. We are proud to represent world leading manufacturers such as ALTIUM, SOLIDWORKS, ARM KEIL and KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES.

With over 30 years of entrepreneurial expertise in value-added distribution, support and service, we provide best-in-class customer experience from the very first design concept through manufacturing up to the entire life cycle management.

Contact details:
Adress: H-1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 3/A
Tel.: +36 1 339 5219
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.u

Gyémánt szponzorok / Diamond sponsors

Arany szponzorok / Gold sponsors

Ezüst szponzorok / Silver sponsors

Szakmai támogatók / Professional sponsors

Partnereink / Our Partners



National Electronics Society of Hungary

H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.

Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [kukac]

© 2020 MELT